First Trimester Reflections

The first trimester brings with it an array of experiences that are neither predictable nor entirely unenjoyable. The changes aren’t always visible but the experience is certainly significant. My first trimester began without my knowledge, considering that the in the first two weeks of pregnancy a woman isn’t even pregnant yet. I was hoping to be pregnant but not expecting pregnancy to happen so soon. Once we got the positive pregnancy test, we were slightly surprised and really happy. The fourth week of pregnancy was simple, easy, and free of any negative symptoms. With week five came morning sickness. My … Continue reading

The Final Days of School

We are in the midst of finals at the school where I teach. These last few weeks have been particularly difficult with this stubborn morning sickness that lasts nearly all day. My students have been really supportive and sympathetic which has been such a big help. Initially I wasn’t going to tell them that I was pregnant because my family and I are moving out of state. But I feel that open communication with my students is important and since it was pretty obvious that I wasn’t feeling well for awhile, I felt that I should tell them. I have … Continue reading

Are You Sinking Your Ship?

Are you two bucketfuls away from disaster? You may be unintentionally sabotaging your savings and sinking your household ship. One of my favorite dead people is Benjamin Franklin. Now maybe this is because I live in Pennsylvania, and I am not too far from Philadelphia and Franklin is a big part of local history as well as the history of our country. But I think it goes a little deeper than that. Franklin was a true innovator, creative and true. I see those same qualities in many of the frugal people that I meet. One quote of Franklin’s goes like … Continue reading