The Let’s Talk Blog Top Ten – Reasons for a Homebirth

In my opinion, there are way too many reasons to count. However, they can all more or less be included in these TEN reasons to have a homebirth: TEN: Feel safe – Being without fear is the #1 key to having a successful, drug-free delivery. I personally would be scared to death of a hospital birth, while some women may be scared to be without the medical umbrella of a hospital. NINE: Have it your way – When giving birth at a hospital, it’s hard not to let our doctors or midwives run the show. After all, you may be … Continue reading

Why Women Choose Homebirth

Women choose homebirth for a variety of reasons. The reasons are as varied as the women choosing this type of birth. I have always wanted a homebirth. Sadly, with four children, I never got to have a baby in my home. My husband was always afraid of the concept. I gave in and went off to the hospital for each of my four babies. If I could do it over again, I would give it a try at home. My husband’s grandmother made me want to give birth at home. When we were first married she said, “Now I want … Continue reading

The Safety of Home Birth

As soon as you tell your family and friends that you plan to give birth at home, the issue of safety will come up. The people in your life mean well. They are concerned for your safety and your baby’s health. We have been conditioned to believe that a doctor attended birth in a hospital is the safest option for child birth. What we have to realize is that the birth industry is big business. Doctors have a lot to lose if women all decided to return to the home and the care of a midwife, as has been the … Continue reading

Telling Your Family Your Plans for Home Birth

As soon as you learn you are pregnant, people will begin asking questions about your delivery. They will want to know the health care provider you are using and where the baby will be born. Most of the time, people are just making conversation. In some cases, such as your mother or mother in law, they are really just being nosy and will probably have an opinion. Many women who choose home birth worry about telling their families. The modern, medicalized birth culture has most people believing that birth in the home is dangerous. Women think they need a hospital … Continue reading

Choosing a Home Birth Midwife

If you want to give birth at home, you will need to find someone to attend your birth. In most cases, a midwife attends home births. There are various types of midwives: Certified Nurse Midwives, Direct Entry Midwives and Certified Professional Midwives. There can be significant differences in both training and experience among these professionals. Make an appointment to talk to a few midwives. You can get a referral from a friend, or online through the American College of Nurse Midwives or Midwives Alliance of North America. Once you have found a few that offer home births in your area, … Continue reading

The Benefits of Home Birth

There are benefits to having a baby at home, for many women. The mother benefits during labor and in her ability to bond as a family with her baby and other children. The baby benefits by bonding with mom and may have less risk of infection after birth. If you are considering a home birth, make an appointment with a midwife to determine if you are a good candidate for home birth. As long as you are healthy and your pregnancy is not complicated, you may be able to give birth at home. There is increased bonding time for the … Continue reading