Physical Recovery After Miscarriage

Miscarriage is a physically and emotionally difficult experience. The recovery time depends on how far along the pregnancy was at the time of the miscarriage. In general, physical recovery is faster in very early pregnancy than in a later miscarriage. The recovery time is usually between a week and a month. The pain and bleeding after a miscarriage is similar to that experienced during your menstrual cycle. The bleeding generally lasts about a week and gradually goes from resembling menstrual bleeding to light spotting. Cramping gradually fades within a few days after the miscarriage. Your doctor will give you instructions … Continue reading

When to Try Again After a Miscarriage

Suffering a miscarriage is a traumatic experience for most women. If you have been trying to conceive, the loss can seem even more overwhelming. Women react differently to a miscarriage. Some are terrified of getting pregnant again. For other women, the loss only intensifies the desire for a baby. These women want to try again as soon as possible after the loss. One of the first questions you may have after your miscarriage is when is it safe to try again? Unfortunately, it can be difficult to get a clear answer to this question. Some doctors may tell you to … Continue reading

Can You Have Sex While Pregnant?

This is a very typical question that many mothers to be ask of their obstetricians because pregnancy brings about enough changes in their bodies that they can be concerned that sex could be harmful. It’s important to recognize that if you are restricted from having sex – your OB will be the first person to tell you. In fact, for many mothers in the late term of their pregnancy – sex can actually stimulate labor so if you’re tired of waiting – your OB may recommend an old fashioned method to stimulate the onset of labor. Intimacy is Important Intimacy … Continue reading