How To Avoid Oversharing Pregnancy Related Information

Social networking can be a great way to keep friends and family abreast of all things pregnancy – related. For one thing, it sure beats having to make phone calls to absolutely everyone every time key information (like baby’s gender) is found out, and worrying about whether you have remembered to call absolutely everyone lest you should forget and offend someone. The one drawback with social media is that there tends to be a lot of oversharing going on. How can you be the thoughtful pregnant woman who keeps all of her friends and family up to date with the … Continue reading

A Few Good Pregnancy Books

I have always been into reading, but during pregnancy I was even more so. Especially during my first pregnancy – you know, before I had a little one to take care of and had more time available for reading. I read a lot of things, and like many pregnant women, I spent a lot of time reading about pregnancy and childbirth. There are a lot of books on pregnancy and childbirth out there to choose from. If you have a lot of time on your hands, feel free to explore any and all of them. If time is at a … Continue reading

Coffee During Pregnancy?

One annoying thing that pregnant women sometimes have to deal with is feeling like they are being judged for everything that they put into their mouths. Of course, there are things that are unsafe to eat during pregnancy and the list of those things is something that most obstetricians and midwives discuss with their pregnant patients very early in the pregnancy. Unfortunately for pregnant women, everyone in society has his or her own idea about what pregnant women should and should not be eating. These judgments from others could not come at a worse time – I mean, come on, … Continue reading

Working From Home During an Illness or Disability

Did you know that some types of home – based work can enable people to keep working even after they have had to leave a traditional job due to illness or injury? Sometimes, people with jobs outside of the home are offered the option of doing some or all of their work from home as they recover from an illness or injury. Unfortunately, some are not and they have to leave their jobs because of the illness or injury. Freelance writing, web design, graphic design, programming, and other types of freelance work that are done on the computer are great … Continue reading

Losing the Pregnancy Weight Part IV

Exercising is always a challenge but it seems to be more difficult during the post partum period of a woman’s life. There are so many things to which we as new mother’s are adjusting. It is not an easy transition even if the motivation is there. I began preparing myself for the post partum phase from the very beginning of my pregnancy. I knew that regular exercise and a healthy holistic diet through out my pregnancy would prepare me for the post partum fitness transition. It was my goal to bounce back as quickly as possible. Once my daughter was … Continue reading

Pregnancy Reflections: Exercise

I cannot reiterate enough how important it is to exercise frequently and consistently throughout pregnancy. The results are quite amazing. I first became committed to exercise with my first pregnancy. I did not exercise nearly as frequently or intensely with my first pregnancy nor was I as consistent with my workout routine. I gained more weight with my first pregnancy and it took me over six months to get close to my pre-pregnancy size. I was also in the process of transitioning to a whole food diet with local and organic foods. It was during the post pregnancy phase of … Continue reading

Continued Exercise During Pregnancy

It was my first pregnancy that convinced me that exercise should be a regular and consistent part of my daily and weekly routine. Having developed a firm commitment to exercise in the last three years, I find myself not only enjoying my workout routine during my second pregnancy but depending on it for relief from pregnancy aches and pains. I have discovered now more than ever before that consistency in a prenatal exercise is essential to a healthy pregnancy. In early pregnancy I continued to do my regular workouts without any need for modification. My goals at the beginning of … Continue reading

The Top Five Reasons Why I Love to Exercise During Pregnancy

As hard as it is to get starting on a regular exercise routine, maintaining it can be even harder. We all know that there are a million reasons why we cannot seem to find the time or motivation to exercise, but we cannot deny the benefits of regular exercise. While we tend to focus on the negative aspects of exercise (overcoming obstacles, finding the time and motivation, etc.), there are even more positive reasons to start a workout regimen. Upon my own personal reflection of the last few years of my own exercise routine, I realized that I have gained … Continue reading

Pregnancy Awareness Month (Part IV)

Our final topic for Pregnancy Awareness Months deals with what pregnant women need which is a topic that I am very passionate about. Meeting the genuine needs of pregnant women which in turn meets the needs of their babies. Five Things that Pregnant Women Need: Number One: Proper Nutrition You would think that this one is a no brainer, but it seems many people don’t understand what proper nutrition is and why it’s so important during pregnancy. A balance of nutrient dense foods plus a good prenatal are essential for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Pregnancy is not … Continue reading

Working Out During Pregnancy

With my first pregnancy, I was just in survival mode. I was working full-time, and just trying to make it through the day each day. I would collapse on the couch exhausted, and just wanted to go to bed at 7pm at night. I did not even think about working out, or exercising during that pregnancy. I was too overwhelmed with just feeling sick, or huge, or not comfortable. I survived that pregnancy just fine, and went on to have a healthy, happy baby. With my second pregnancy, I decided I would work out more. I went to the gym … Continue reading