Your Amazing Uterus

The title may strike you funny, but your uterus is nothing short of amazing. Not only does it increase to 1,000 times its original size during pregnancy, it is one of the most multifunctional parts of your body. The smooth muscle is responsible for pushing out your baby, contracting during menstruation and may even contract during orgasm (which is why some woman are advised to abstain during their pregnancy if they are at risk for premature labor). It’s likely you never thought much about your uterus until you began your period, started trying to conceive or became pregnant. But for … Continue reading

Week Twenty Four

Week twenty four began with much welcomed cooler weather which supplied incredible motivation and energy. The sluggishness that the heat tends to impose, particularly on pregnant women, vanished overnight and for the first time in months we were able to turn the air conditioning off and open the windows to air out the house. The days of my twenty fourth week began with cool, almost brisk, breezes making my customary hot breakfast of three eggs and sausage (in the form of an omelet by adding sautéed potato, onion, and red pepper to the mix), and hot latte particularly appealing and … Continue reading

Week Twenty Three

Here we are at week twenty three. The weeks seem to be going by faster and faster now. It is almost astounding that so much can happen in one week and at the time so little. This week I have noticed the baby’s activity increase ten fold. I can almost predict her times of activity and sleep. She is all over the place in my uterus these days twisting, flipping, hiccuping, kicking, elbowing etc. One particular day this week my son was sitting on my disappearing lap and had pressed his elbow into my belly, the baby responded with a … Continue reading

Second Pregnancies Really Pop!

Just a few weeks into your second pregnancy you realize, “wow, my pants are feeling pretty tight already.” If you don’t remember growing out of your skinny jeans this early last time around, it’s probably because you didn’t. The first pregnancy is almost always the slowest to show. Are second babies just bigger, or are there other reasons for the early “pop?” One reason you show sooner is your uterus is given a head start if you have already had children. It never fully shrinks back to its original size after the first pregnancy. When you become pregnant with your … Continue reading

Stay Away from BPA

We already know that BPA is dangerous. It has been linked to fertility problems, cancer, and sexual dysfunction in men, among other defects. There has been a big push to remove BPA from the plastics that we come in contact with every day. If you walk through the baby aisle, you’ll notice that most of the bottles are in packaging boldly marked, “BPA Free.” Many people have switched to using aluminum water bottles as a precaution as well. We know BPA is dangerous, and we have taken steps to protect ourselves and our families, but now we know more about … Continue reading

The Duggar’s Early Delivery

I watched Special Duggar Delivery tonight on TLC and I found myself tearing up on numerous occasions. Watching Jim Bob tearfully determine to continue to praise God during such a difficult time, Michelle looking so ill in her hospital bed, baby Josie’s little kicks in the incubator, and Josh’s reaction to hearing the news about the birth, filled my heart with grief over all the fear and trials they must have experienced. It must be so traumatic to look upon your child, who still should have had four months in your safe womb, struggling to breathe and fighting for life. … Continue reading

Childbirth Recovery: Unexpected Symptoms

Much of what happens after you give birth to your baby is never talked about. Perhaps it’s because people tend to focus on the baby during conversation or maybe it’s just an awkward topic, but the first few days after giving birth were quite a surprise for me. You always hear about not getting sleep and the baby blues, but sometimes there are other symptoms that can take you by surprise. So here is a lighthearted look at some of the stranger parts of recovery: Is that a Pad or the State of Ohio? In the few days after birth, … Continue reading

Why am I so tired?

I found out I was pregnant and I was a little relieved, after all I’d been exhausted all the time. In fact, part of the reason I found out I was pregnant was because I went to the doctor to find out if I was sick. I’d been so tired and that was so unusual for me. It hit me over night, it seemed. One day I was fine and then over the course of a weekend, I felt run down and almost constantly craving a nap. The Amazing Race Your body is really quite wonderful. During what is called … Continue reading